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The benefits of a
Cambridge International education

Considering enrolling your child in the Cambridge International curriculum but aren’t sure how it will benefit them in the long run?

Here are the top reasons why a Cambridge education at Raoul Wallenberg International School Palma would benefit your child.


A Cambridge International qualification comes with impressive recognition from universities and employers around the globe. This is a globally-recognised curriculum, accepted by 2,000 international universities, meaning every UK university, more than 800 universities in the US, including all the Ivy League universities, as well as other major local (yes, including Spain ) and global universities. Higher education institutions recognise the vigorous demand of this curricula and assessment levels, that mould learners for the next step in their education journey. 


International curriculum 

We have chosen to implement the Cambridge International Curriculm at RWIS because it sets a global standard for education. While it does take an international approach, it’s still kept local through specific subjects and topics taught under the curriculum. Through this curriculum, not only will your child develop an informed curiosity, but also gain essential skills that will carry through long after they leave school.


Supporting learners

Through Cambridge’s International curriculum, we at RWIS aim to grow learners into independent, well-rounded individuals in line with our Raoul Wallenberg school philosophy.   We have an amazing team of educators who constantly reach out a helping hand to support our learners in this journey. They understand that no two learners are the same in their approach to learning, which is why they actively seek to apply unique teaching methods, fit for purpose. Along with them, our learners have the support of their fellow peers, lesson reviews and Teacher support.  We strive to make sure our learners don’t crumble under the pressure of Cambridge’s international curriculum by giving them all the resources they need to succeed in our beautiful building



Assessments are not only proof of what a learner has leant, but a means of improving their understanding and skill for the future. Cambridge’s International curriculum assessments have  real lasting value and are considered to be a lifelong passport to further international study. Which is why we ensure our learners get the best chance at succeeding in their final exams at the end of the year. We follow a mastery-based approach to education. Every learning module ends with a check of the student’s progress.  If the learner passes the progress check they get access to the next module. If they don’t pass, depending on the assessment, they are afforded a second opportunity to master the module. We want to make sure our learners build a solid knowledge foundation to understand their next round of content even better.  


Be part of an international community

Cambridge’s International curriculum is taught in over 10,000 schools across 160 countries.

Millions of learners and their guardians are connected and share an experience through

this curriculum. From this comes invaluable feedback, which Cambridge then translates to

their curricula to keep it relevant and respected within the education community.

This connection also allows for your child to move between Cambridge schools with ease,

never having to fall behind. 

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